More Spiderverse. I am still trying to find time to scan images. Please check out Halifax a place I’d like to visit again.

Mutant Diet Phase 2 Day 2

OK. Day 1 went better than I thought given I was sleep deprived, had pizza delivered to the meeting I was running, and had not finished the wine that was left from Christmas.

We finished the wine. Now the apartment is dry.

My gym workout was lame as I felt too weak to swing the kettle bell around and the Sunday evening yoga class was still working its way through my hamstrings.

I really would like the weather to warm up (to at least 8 C) so I can ride my bike.

I modified the log page I use to include specific spots for points where I deviate from low carb/no sugar. It’s not pessimism but honesty and also a way to analyse where I go off.