Early Spider-man and Human Torch. A client with properties in Grande Prairie renewed.

Mutant Diet Phase 4 Day 17
Thursdays are too far from cheat days to be reassuring but on Thursdays the sugar/carb supply reaches critically low levels.

The abdominal work showed up in the yoga class giving me a bit more strength to try things that were previously avoided. (Side plank and dancer’s pose for you yoga nerds.) This shows the value of cross training because the personal trainer and gym workouts help yoga and yoga helps the PT sessions by giving me flexibility not normally seen at 8 AM. (I.e. I could forward fold and touch my toes without much warm up.)

After the yoga class, the hernia was really still trying to make a run for it. I think in knows that two weeks tomorrow is bye-bye day.

But I definitely feel like the weight loss is tiny. Things fit looser but the big changes that one would hope for are slow slow slow. To say I hate it would be an understatement.