Another old Justice League cover. It’s challenging not to think about chocolate.

Mutant Diet Phase 3 Day 109
Yes, there are limits. I hit one at 10 PM last night when I had to go to bed.

One of the frustrating aspects of this process is I eat a satisfying meal of meat and vegetables and then, about an hour later, the stomach says, “OK. Where’s the rest of it?”

The energy variances are annoying still. Yesterday’s yoga class was challenging as I was sore from the trainer session the day before but didn’t notice it until I got to the yoga class. Riding home I thought I would be lame, but it was a decent high energy ride.

Today I did not ride for both weather and fatigue reasons but it didn’t make sense as I slept longer.

I do not know what my body chemistry is up to, but I know that it’s still really ticked off.