These are three Spider-women. Just ’cause I could not find a good Marvel Zombie picture. I’m watching the weather in Toronto closely.

Mutant Diet Phase 2 Day 65
Today is a trainer session and I bailed on being weighed last week but I feel I should face the music today. But I know that I’m not moving the lard off at any meaningful rate.

The crux of this are carbs and sugars. Basically I can’t have any if I want to have a 2-pound-a-week weight loss.

On the 28th, in two week, but with a trip to Toronto in the middle, I will have been at this a year.

There’s going to be a Phase 3 in which I hope the weather will facilitate more steps and km on the bicycle.

To show how screwed up we are, when I opened the browser to go to this site, this post came up. How the hell would anyone have the nerve to say anything negative about someone like this?

Message to self: lose the negativity; eat more greens.