It’s just the kind of day where you need a picture of Black Widow. At time of writing, it’s raining but 29° in Saint Lucia. I could handle that.

Mutant Diet Phase 2 Day 35
So, do you think going to Chocolate Arts during the Hot Chocolate Festival was a bad idea?

I actually dodged a lot of the temptation and drank leftovers from my kids and had a couple of pieces of dark chocolate nut stuff which isn’t that sugar-y.

I did finally learn my lesson at Subway. I asked for a salad with double meat, put a little mayo on it, didn’t buy pop, and stirred it up with a little mayo. It was fairly civilized and the meal held me for the next few hours.

It’s taken a disproportionately long time to break old habits and form new ones that don’t include a sense of being somehow cheated out of something.

I wonder if how long this takes is normal.