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We’re going to see Captain America Civil War today. Have a great long weekend and why not visit this page (Prince Edward County Ontario) where people enjoy long weekends.

It’s Friday of a long weekend. I did not ride. Not so much weather as being frog-licking tired.Notes to self from yesterday:

1:43 PM Thursday May 19. I got back from the gym about an hour ago. I’ve had my lunch and a momentary lapse into semi consciousness. One of the reasons this process sucks is that, despite moving from a size 3X lard ball down to a 2X lard ball, I’m still (sadly) a lard ball.

I hear the new age voices out there saying, “You should not be so hard on yourself. You should accept who you are. You should love the body you’re in.” Yeah, yeah; sure, sure.

I totally accept that I’m a small sized hippopotamus trying to pretend he’s a large-ish chimpanzee.

This of course makes me think of Madagascar and King Julien.

“We get there when we get there,” line from The Incredibles comes to mind.

Which means my theory that diet alone would not work is likely true. Let’s say I went on an all lettuce diet and sat on my couch and waited, I might get to an XL size t-shirt, but I’d probably look like someone needing hospitalization.

I think XL is my logical end state, because I think I was 6 when I last wore a size L t-shirt.


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