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Last Power Girl image as she hangs out with the Justice Society. And for those of you who care, there’s a byelection bribery trial in Sudbury.
Plan D Day 77

Sunday night yoga is not an odd thing, but I was feeling very much not like doing it because I had just spent a couple of hours out in the cold selling raffle tickets.

In the initial poses I could feel this attempt by some organism to give me a cold. There’s certainly no time for this sort of thing so I concentrated during the class on sending the heat that was being generated to the nose/throat area. It also helped that he class was unusually intense. Seeing my mind wasn’t really in the room yet, I didn’t notice until some of the poses were super intense that the class was well underway. I was very warm and sent the heat to the immune system and said to myself “just BBQ the bugs will ya?”

And today I rode to work and feel fine.

Considering the kids have been bringing bugs into the apartment and people at work have been hacking away, I’m thinking of sending a thank you note to my immune system.


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