This Guardians of the Galaxy image is closer to what I remember as a kid.

Mutant Diet Phase 2 Day 56
The sanity chip is not well screwed in. What British sci-fi comedy am I referencing?

A funny thing happened on the way to Yoga class. My ankle, between the heel and the actual bone on the side was registering as painful. Out of the blue. In class it was giving me moderate trouble but went completely bonzo when I tried a balancing pose on one leg. It did not like that.

What the heck?

I’m in a mental state of hypersensitivity. This can be characterized with this fictional exchange.

Other Person: “Rob, you’re really taking things personally.”
Rob: “Yes, that’s because everything is personal.”
Other Person: “Huh?”
Rob: “See that discarded cigarette butt over there? It may not look it, but I’m taking it personally right now. Don’t get me started about the unraked leaves at my son’s school that have been there since October.”

And it snowed. In Vancouver. In effing March.