More X-Men and Wolverine. So much rain there was a mudslide in Victoria.
Mutant Diet Phase 12 Day 23
The more I read about diet/fitness, the more confused I become. I stumbled across a BBC article raking vegan junk food – e.g. the Beyond burger stuff – over the coals for not being as good as real meat. It was all about the absorption of stuff like fish oils and what not. I stopped reading it because most of India is vegetarian. Also, it’s JUNK FOOD. No one thinks it’s good for you anymore than anyone really thought switching from Coke to Diet Coke would improve your health. The keto and anti-keto diet crowds are ready for a damn cage match and lo-carb folks are equally pissing off the science folk. Scientists aren’t free of taint either because there are MDs pushing useless supplements and Wakefield, an MD, kicked off the anti-vaccine mess and is responsible for the deaths of untold number of children.
Gosh that rant felt good.
Today I see the trainer and I’m going to look at the numbers. There may be some gnashing of teeth.