The Hulk plays a large role in the Avengers. Will he be back for Endgame? Big day in Edmonton.
Mutant Diet Phase 10 Day 17
So. I lost 2.4 pounds last week. That makes 8 pounds in two weeks. I can conclude I’ve found a formula to lose weight. It seems almost unimaginable. My Trainer says that 2 pounds a week is on the high side of normal weight loss. The trick is to see if it holds.
But, the strain of staying this strict is considerable. I need to plan out cheat events/days/whatever and keep them modest. However, since I’ve found something that might actually work, there’s a strange sense of internal encouragement.
The inner child voice wants this over with. The humiliation of it all, the dehumanization by being weighed, the general sense of being cheated. Please make it stop. The frustrated adult asks why this took so long to find. And, is this true? Will the process stop once the body catches on and realizes what I’m up to?
In the absence of a better plan, this process will stay.