Earth 19 is a world where the British Monarchy still exists.

Mutant Diet Phase 6 Planning
Phase 6 is coming. I started this mess on Mar 22, 2016. See

To say this hasn’t gone according to plan is an understatement.

However, I did a yoga class last night after three weeks of travel and self-indulgence, the pain was incredible. You can’t take three weeks off. Not at age 55 anyway. Maybe age 25.

But am I doing anything differently? Last phase I did the bison and removed other foods but I realized that the cost-benefit wasn’t there. When I remove refined carbohydrates, my allergies to beef and chicken are greatly reduced. I noticed an improvement, but not enough to justify the cost.

I also had a screaming fit at my last weigh-in. My personal trainer and I determined we’re just going to focus on strength and overall fitness and ignore the scale. I’ll weigh in at the end of this phase just to see what the 2-year-mark looks like. But I want to see how strong I can make myself.

Phase 6 will start next Monday January 15 and end on March 16 or March 23. (I have to figure out what we’re doing for March Break.) This week will be spent trying to wean myself off refined carbohydrates. There’s still a fair amount of festive food in the house and I’ll be trying to return to a meat and vegetable diet.

During the previous phases, I was using a cheat day method. I think I will try to increase the distance between cheat days and try to find a solution to the 2 PM snack attack.

We shall see.