Spider-man from issue 151. From the news, it looked like Ottawa was a soaker yesterday for Canada Day.

Mutant Diet Phase 3 Day 91
Happy Canada Day plus 1. I skipped my blog entry yesterday. I have to print out some sheets to log food for the coming days.

Yesterday was the cheat day but I managed to log a short bicycle ride with my son and 10,387 steps. But cheating I did … by starting at Chocolate Arts and heading to Granville Island. There I bought beer and at home we ordered pizza. Pizza and lager on Canada Day. I’m sorry that tasted GREAT!

But now back to reality. Interestingly the prospect of going strict again today isn’t as daunting. I’m not sure how the psychology or chemistry of the cheat day is working, but I’m finding that it’s more do-able to be strict for 5-6 days and then have a day off.

The inner child is truly struggling with the diet part because it feels like punishment. But then the treat day seems to balance that out. However, nothing I’ve read tells me the cheat day concept works for alcohol, nicotine or opiate addictions, which means this sugar/carb compulsion is different yet again.

Of course, the question is results. There are 16 days before my next official weigh-in and personal trainer session. I have to ask myself for patience and endurance to see the experiment through.