If ever a Monday morning needed Harley Quinn, it’s this one. Who knew you needed to practice math?

Mutant Diet Phase 3 Day 29
I don’t know. Maybe I should switch to the all-carbs, all-chocolate diet.

What a nincompoop. Mental health professionals advocate against being too hard on yourself but seriously. Let’s say an animal darts in front of your car and you can’t stop. Odds are you’ve run over someone’s pet. Perhaps being mean to yourself for being such an ass-hat doesn’t help. However, it doesn’t leave the animal less dead.

Right at the moment my diet part of this diet/fitness program is pretty much road kill. However, I’m a bit of a zombie and intend to rise again.

Plus I have to see the trainer for a workout. I have no intention of the scale being anywhere near me. I do plan to break my sugar cycle today. Wish me luck.