Shazam and Constantine are magical entities. Family members heading to Victoria this weekend.

Mutant Diet Phase 10 Day 4
I hate that a new approach to an old diet seems to take effect fast. I noticed a change in my nose. Again. My nose lost weight. That’s good I guess. But I steel myself for the date in the future where I weigh in and the scale once again barfs on me.

In yesterday’s yoga class, I felt more open. I’m postulating that the water increase (and infinite urine) is reducing inflammation. When I compare to past efforts, the change to a diet with less sugar/carb/dairy does reduce inflammation, but not normally that much in under 3 days. And I had more flexibility in my right hip area despite it bitterly complaining about being in yoga class at all.

I still feel kind of weird though. Tingly. It’s allergy season too, but only mild by Alder tree standards.

Argh. I realize I’m out of salad. Have to go buy some.